India’s Young Dreamers

Dreamers: How Young Indians Are Changing the World by Snigdha Poonam

In Snigdha Poonam’s new book “Dreamers: How Young Indians Are Changing the World”, we get an inspiring look at how India’s youth is shaping a new future, less constrained by the stratification of past generations.

Review Except:

“In attempting to understand the motivations and inspirations of the youth, (the author) asks, “What happens when 100 million people suddenly start dreaming big, in a place where no one is prepared for it—families, teachers, employers, governments?” And by telling the stories of several young men and women, she shows how: “They realize they are on their own. They reconcile themselves to the idea that they must build a world in which they can be what they want to be, where how well you do depends on how badly you want to do well. Once they have created this bubble of aspiration, they chase their dreams like their life depends on it—do or die.”

Read the full review here.